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tv   ABC World News Now  ABC  November 22, 2012 1:40am-4:00am PST

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you can download it free from the amazon app store on an droid and google play. the free alarm clock app is still available for the iphone. thanks so much for watching. our next newscast is at 5:00 a.m. tomorrow. have a happy thanksgiving. have a happy thanksgiving. >> good night, everyone.
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you know travel is such a big part of the holidays nowadays. >> millions taking to the skies. and a major plane maker is trying to make things easy on you. abc's jim avila has more. >> reporter: it's the airplane designed to bring back some of the fun in flight. boeing 737 dream liner the passenger jet with swooping wings and fuselage made primarily of plastic composite. >> it's absolutely a generational step. >> reporter: boeing has sold more than 800 around the world. but united is the first u.s. airliner to fly the dreamliner in service that began this month. the airlines are big these because they're cheaper to fly and more efficient. they will sell you on creature
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comforts like the air itself, there is more oxygen on the plane, it is cleaner and less dry. they have huge storage bins too. you can fit four suitcases in here. the plastic body is stronger than metal, so the air pressure inside can be kept at equivalent of 6,000 feet instead of the 8,000, 9,000 in most jets. that translates to higher humidity in the cabin, more comfort, less jet lag, and dry skin. >> the increase in humidity, the pressurization of the cabin. it's a very different experience than today's airplanes. >> reporter: the windows are a third bigger. there's a light show on board. different colors for takeoff, cruising, dinner time. >> we go into the warm colors like candlelight. >> reporter: pilots say the 787 carries next level of safety. >> situational awareness. the airplane produces in the cockpit is phenomenal. >> reporter: from the security camera that shows them who is outside the cockpit door to advanced radar that detects potential midair collisions, miles away. >> traffic. >> reporter: new gps can land the dream liner on its own in
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zero visibility. a plane so advanced it is moving aviation to the next level, the era of the plastic jetliner. jim avila, abc news, seattle. >> i'm sold. just more leg room. not bad at all. we'll be back right after this. >> announcer: "world news now" continues after this from our abc stations.
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welcome back, everybody. it is crunch time for all of you planning on a big holiday dinner. if you haven't planned your meal, relax, the cavalry is here. we are joined by butterball turkey talkline expert nicole johnson for a little home cooking this morning. nicole, thank you so much for being here. >> absolutely. >> we do appreciate it. joking with you before we went on the air, i can't boil water. every year, we have these ideas how to break down the turkey
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cooking process. and you guys need to break down the turkey cooking process here. you are an expert and saved thousand of meals over your years with butterball. walk us through a little bit here for all the folks nervous, up early, cooking. we have three stages all mapped out here. >> absolutely. first i would look to go ahead and talk about how do i go about thawing my turkey. for folks who perhaps haven't started the thawing process on thanksgiving day, we bet that phone call a lot believe it or not on thanksgiving day. we tell them not to worry. there is a, a faster way of thawing your turkey. and that is using the cold water bath method. it's a half hour per pound. a ten pound turkey would take five hours using that method. >> what is the ideal way, best way to thaw the turkey. >> two ways, the cold water bath method we talked about. but we also recommend refrigeration method. it takes 24 hours for every four pound of turkey to thaw in your fridge. you actually have an additional four days after it is thawed in which to cook it. >> so -- >> good to know. >> just a little something to keep in mind for future reference. >> like most things with the
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cooking of the turkey, thawing depends again on the size of the bird you're dealing with, the poundage? >> absolutely. absolutely. >> cool. got you. >> after you have the turkey thaws, you would go ahead then, remove the wrapper. keep in mind you have giblets in there. you have a neck in there as well. a lot of folks will go ahead and cook that. chop it up, use it in stuffing. my mom chops it up and uses it in her gravy, believe it or not. >> so did my grandmother. >> did she really? it is very good that way. one of the advantages of the butterball turkey. a lot of prep work has been done for you. after you cut off the wrapper, remove your giblets. go ahead, drain the poultry juices over the kitchen sink. go ahead and choose your pan. now this is a nice pan. it is 2 inches deep. so we recommend about 2 inches deep, open pan method. you see we have a flat rack, bottom of the pan. helps elevate the turkey off the pan but allow that hot circulating air and really prevent the turkey from sticking
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to the bottom of the pan. >> grease it at all? >> very good question. >> perfect segue. i have it right here. right here. all you need to do as far as the prep work. before you roast it. lightly brush the skin with vegetable oil, or spray it with a pam cooking spray. that is going to, help to prevent the turkey from drying out. and another golden tip that we have is after the turkey has been roasting for 2/3 of the way, may take a peek at it. notice the breast area is starting to brown faster than the rest of the turkey. at that point in time take your piece of reynolds foil. doesn't have to be too big. and you actually tent or shield the breast area, and that's actually going to help slow the cooking process down on the breast area and prevent the breast from overbrowning and overdrying out there. >> good way to not overcook the top. >> absolutely. >> the big question, how long do you cook it? determined by how big a bird you have. >> exactly. recommend 325 oven start to finish.
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depending again, like you said. depending on the weight of your turkey, that will determine how long you look it for. a lot of times people will call say how do i know it is done. best way to check for doneness, using your meat thermometer. register 170 in the breast. 180 in the thigh. for folks who choose to stuff their turkey, easiest way to check for doneness. insert the meat thermometer in the center of the stuffing, registers 165, good indication it is done. >> when it is done should look like this. >> beautiful turkey. >> golden turkey. >> golden brown, beautiful. >> thank you so much for being here. this was fantastic. hopefully answered a lot of nervous chefs' questions getting their family dinner together. we appreciate it. >> thank you. >> we will be back with more after this. stay with us. their family denner together. we appreciate it. >> thank you. >> we will be back with more after this. stay with us. i've been coloring liz's hair for years.
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but lately she's been coming in with less gray than usual. what's she up to? [ female announcer ] root touch-up by nice'n easy has the most shade choices, designed to match even salon color in just 10 minutes. with root touch-up, all they see is you. introducing a revolutionary new mascara. clump crusher...crusher. 200% more volume. zero clumps. new clump crusher from easy, breezy, beautiful covergirl. ♪ our whole universe was in a dense ♪ ♪
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♪ the big bang. bang! my second favorite sitcom next to "modern family." if you're not watching the "big bang theory," you're missing out. guess who sings it. bare naked lady. >> nice. finally, this half hour, brandi, something special. special, "insomniac theater." what is hitting theaters. >> very nice. this holiday weekend we have a little bit for everyone out there. after the food and football, friend and family. >> we call it thanksgiving day. >> how about a little fun taking in a new film. the holiday weekend has plenty, to choose from, starting with the movies that hit theaters yesterday. director ang lee brings beloved book "life of pi" to life on the big screen. >> that is just one of the best movies of the year hands down. i think this has serious oscar potential for ang lee. >> telling the tale of a
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shipwrecked indian boy stranded on a boat with a bengal tiger. >> wow, i feel like this is a very good film and i feel that's anund understatement. >> reporter: and a different kind of adventure. remake of 1984s "red dawn" starring chris hemsworth. >> the bad guy in the movie is north korea. the problem is when they shot it, it was china. they changed it because they didn't want to offend the chinese government because they do a lot of business in china. >> reporter: then there's the animated "rise of the guardians, starring everyone's favorites. >> santa claus, tooth fairy. >> reporter: alec baldwin and jude law lend their voices. and opening tomorrow, one master portraying another. anthony hopkins, hitchcock's making of psycho, and helen miren co-stars as hitchcock's wife, alma. >> i promised mother i wouldn't tell. >> oh. >> is there anything anthony
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hopkins cannot do? that looks great. that may be the one i check out. >> great casting. >> absolutely here. and we were talking about our favorite holiday movies earlier. my vote still is national lampooon's "christmas vacation." timelessly hysterical. you have a favorite holiday flick? >> when you are a kid and watch "home alone" what i watched growing up. every time i think of christmas i think of that. >> classic. good catch. good catch. that's the news for this half hour. follow us on face book at >> on twitter,@wnnfans.
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in the only medicare supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp. don't wait. call now. this morning on "world news now, a quiet morning in the middle east. after a week more than brood shedd that left more than it 00
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people today. it's thursday, november 22nd, thanksgiving day. good morning, happy thanksgiving, i'm brandi hitt. paula has the night off. >> welcome, brandi. first time doing the overnights with us. you got the toughest assignment of all, the overnight. >> i'm happy to be here, hey, i told you, we have food, the thanksgiving feast. >> it's how we like to treat the guests here. absolutely. >> face-to-face. welcome aboard. happy thanksgiving. >> happy thanksgiving. >> good morning again, i'm rob nelson. we'll get more to that cease-fire in just a second. first other stories we'll follow. it wassing a but smooth sailing on the roads, trains and planes across the country as tens of
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millions of people scrambled to get to their thanksgiving defendant nations. >> hopefully, you got there safe. also, this morning, if you're waiting for all those black friday deals, you may be waiting too long. it's being called gray thursday, if you don't know. the chaos is going to commence just moments after you're done eating the thanksgiving dessert. >> earlier and earlier. next thing you know, it's it be purple tuesday. we'll be just enjoying family and food. there's plenty of time to go out. but at any rate, to set aside the shopping and food for just a second, there are people in this nation truly grateful for the thing that is most important. we're going to visit with the victims of hurricane sandy and hear how despite the devastation they suffered in recent weeks, many consider themselves still to be very, very lucky. always remember those who are not as fortunate, to enjoy that and keep the folks all close to heart today. >> that's what this holiday is
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supposed to be, right? >> absolutely. but first right now, the truce between israel and hamas appears to be hold are for now. there have been no significant attacks in the hours since the first agreement was announced. >> but the basic holt tilt between the two enemies remains there. abc's mark greenblatt joins us. >> reporter: good morning. just hours after the cease-fire went in effect, the israeli defense forces have announced they've tracked five more rockets going from israel into gaza, a sign of just how fragile the situation over there remains. in gaza, celebratory gunfire and cars honking their horns as a cease-fire takes in effect between israel and hamas. >> united states welcomes the agreement today for a cease-fire in gaza. for it to hold the rocket attacks. >> reporter: just hours before, a bomb tore through this bus in tel aviv, as secretary of state hillary clinton worked frantically with the egyptian
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foreign minister to broker a truce. both sides claim a tenuous hold as a victory. israeli president benjamin netanyahu thanks the leader him for the stakes leading up to the truce. supporting israel's right to defend itself. but hamas claimed a major win from the cease-fire, saying for now on, if israel responds to attacks from bombing gaza, hamas will strike. >> there is no in back. >> reporter: case in point, that bus bomb which left dozens injured and struck one of the busiest areas of the city, across from the the israeli defense headquarters. >> there was at least a package from a suicide bomber that planted it. >> reporter: as a delicate cease-fire takes hold, the temporary goals for both sides
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is to prevent more injures. and the white house says it hopes to use the cease-fire to prevent the smuggling the weapons into hamas. mark greenblatt, abc, new york. >> thank you, mark. describing it as tenuous. there's a cease-fire here. but interesting number here, zeer r zero, that's the number of past cease-fires that took place since that in november. there's not a good track record here. happy for moment but there's no telling how long this will last a few weeks a few months, a few years, but nothing happened. >> hillary clinton saying it's a perfect moment for them and with president morsi who is just elected. that's critical in making sure this works. >> they were a key broker. but they do have a key in this, hamas. it's a balancing act to say the
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least. >> definitely. well, one of the most trying travel days of the year has come and go. hopefully, you're your at your destinations right now. getting from here to there, not easy when you look at the pictures. highways from coast to coast, just backed up for miles. chicago's o'hare airport socked in by fog most of the morning and that caused hundreds of delays. if that's not trouble already, train travel also shut down at new york's penn state shut down after the height of an evening rush. thanks to a power failure. >> overnight, here and now thanksgiving, we're safe here. no traffic in the studio. >> the weather is fantastic. here's a look at your holiday forecast. most of the nation will be enjoying pleasant weather. the rain has finally stopped in pacific northwest. seattle and portland will be drying out. seattle and dallas, though, you could see a few showers. >> temperatures on the east
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coast are well above normal. that is great news. atlanta near 60. minneapolis will start off very warm and plunge to the 20s by tonight. honolulu, you lucky folks, you guys will be at about 80 degrees. not bad at all. >> eating turkey in flip-flops. speaking of turkey, keep manage with the long lasting white house tradition, president obama made sure two birds avoided the thanksgiving table. >> the president was joined by his daughters, sasha and malia as he pardoned the gobbler. the president joked that life is all about second chances. the first family spent the holiday at the white house. and, of course, once that dinner is done and the mandatory naps take place, there is some shopping to do. the great american tradition of black friday when folks run over each other to grab those discounted electronics, well, there is a new tradition this year. yeah, believe it or not, they're
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calling this grey thursday. so major retailers are trying to get the jump on one another, by opening on thanksgiving night, just a few hours from now. walmart, sears and toys "r" us will be the first stores to open at 8:00 tonight. target will open an hour later at 9:00 p.m. happy shopping, everybody. turning to other news, new york city police have charged a door-to-door salesman with the death of three shop coaches. they say he was ready to kill again. the victims were all shot in their stores. police say the prints were on the murder weapons. four other houses hit by the blast are still part of the active crime scene. investigators are focusing on the appliances for the search of that blast which they believe was caused by natural gas.
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after months of mental health issues and allegations of political misconduct, congressman jesse jackson jr. is officially calling it quits. jackson turned in his resignation letter citing his deteriorating health. he easily won re-election just days ago while still hospitalized for bipolar disorder. jackson is reportedly facing a federal investigation into possible misuse of campaign funds. also this morning, the family of hector, macho co-macho is deciding whether or not the former boxing champ should be removed in life support. doctors said he was expected to survive after shot tuesday night in the face in puerto rico but the champ did take a sudden turn for the worse. the outlook is not good. and in lighter news, an extremely talented young football star has become a major internet sensation. she is 9-year-old samantha gordon or sam, as she likes to be called, the only girl playing
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on her utah peewee football team. >> you may have heard this. the running back rushed for more than 2000 yards and 30 touchdowns. general mills put her face on a wheaties box. she explains what she likes best about playing football. >> being a girl out there and keep scoring on the boys, and the boys are like, dang it, i just got beat by a girl. it's like a once in a lifetime opportunity and i'm so thankful to do this as a 9-year-old girl. >> she is awesome and fast. look at her go. despite all the success on the gridiron, samantha said soccer is actually her favorite sport. she'll probably only play football for two more years. she's going to retire after that. we should mention you will not find her wheaties box in the grocery store, because general
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mills said it would be just for sam. >> she was burning on that field. a little girl power there. all right. well, coming up right here, we all have so many reasons to be thankful on this thanksgiving day, but perhaps none are feeling that gratitude as much as people who have lost so much. we're going to visit with the victims of hurricane sandy and also hear the lessons that they have for all of us. when you think of black friday, is is most important, you know. >> exactly. but first, how many calories do you think you will consume today? >> i don't want to hear it. >> we'll find out and also learn if there's any wasted. you're watching "world news now." stay with us. ♪ ♪ jiffy pot pie guy >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by lifestyle lift.
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♪ mashed potato ♪ mashed potato ♪ ♪ >> the numbers are not that bad. it is the pie, 919.
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th the check out the pie. you're all right. you know you're getting a second helping of turkey and stuffing. that's not it. you're just going to have double that. >> it's a gluttonous holiday. welcome back. we have something new here at "world news now." we call it "ever wonder?" >> did you ever wonder about overeating on thanksgiving. >> no we just do it. >> the culinary friends start us off. >> happy thanksgiving, everybody. >> reporter: thanksgiving is the start of the holiday season. when families gather and give thanks for the year's blessings. and most of us indulge on one thing. overeating. so ever wonder what you'd do about it? this is "ever wonder." let's go find out. what does thanksgiving mean to you? >> thanksgiving means family time, sitting around, having good food. >> oh, my god.
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>> reporter: what do you love about thanksgiving? >> everything. >> reporter: everything? the food? >> yes, everything. >> reporter: take a look at how much we eat on thanksgiving. the usda recommends an average of 2,000 calories a day. a typical meal adds up to 3,000 calis. throughout the whole thanksgiving day, the average american consumes as many as 6,000 calories. that's alan reesenberger, head chef at fairway market. who says it's easy to overeat. >> everybody has the sweet pota potatoes, machined potatoes and pies. a turkey, we get up to 25 pounds, 30 pounders. >> reporter: at the checkout, thanksgiving is piled high and stuffed right in our faces.
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>> reporter: it is what people want. are we prepared for the consequences? to get help, i headed to this gym with my turkey doggy bag in hand. >> turn up the intensity. burn the turkey off, the stuffing, and the, the what else do we have here. the message? >> consistency. >> reporter: consistency. that's what gym members like madison are doing. >> cut everything in half. fist-sized portions. >> consistency my friend. >> all about moderation. >> i can't stop eating? >> you shouldn't stop moving. >> reporter: how much do you think we can gain on thanksgiving and during the holiday season? >> you can gain anywhere between five and ten pound, i think. >> reporter: so why does thanksgiving mean eating this much? >> everybody at thanksgiving will mound everything on their plates and eat what is in front of them. if you go with smaller portions people will tend to eat less. >> reporter: dan lieberman, abc news, new york. >> all that piece did was make
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me hungry. that's all. but we have food here for the staff tonight. you didn't have a plate? >> i did. when you were done i go by. i don't eat breakfast. this is early for me. it's smelling too good. i got myself a plate. >> mac and cheese. the meat. >> couldn't help it. you'll have more later on. another meal later on. you keep eating right? >> 'tis the season. the holiday spirit right there. i knew you would sneak back there. had a feeling. >> i did. i did. all right. well, "the skinny" is coming up next with a shocker involving a hollywood starlet. is there yet another sex tape about to surface? >> please, no. plus, also, a peek inside madonna's big apple abode. you're watching "world news now." we'll have it when you come back. >> announcer: "world news now" continues after this from our
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♪ skinny so skinny welcome back, everybody. i know it is a holiday and all, we should be more family friendly perhaps. but there is news of another sex tape out there. this morning. and pretty much like a rite of passage in hollywood these days. everybody has one like a talk show. apparently the one that is being talked about now features emma stone. if you don't know who she is, recognize that face maybe right there from "amazing spiderman" and "crazy stupid love." anyway, a quote close insider, you know how that goes, told
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radar online that back in the day, the actress who is now 24 years old, had a wild streak, you could say and made this video well before she became famous. the good news here it is not being shopped around and remains in the hand of the person that she made it with. according to this source, or whatever. she is dating her leading man from "spiderman" andrew garfield. she's known as being a very kind of private star. so she, thinking there is a sex tape out there would not fit with that image. good news, it is not out there like others have been. but according to this one source there is one but still in private hands which is good news. so you know, you get older you pay the price for the crazy stuff you did when you were younger. >> you know, going to do it. just destroy it. it is always there. >> that would be the smart move. i'm sure the dude is like, you never know. high school yearbook you keep it around. >> look back at that some day. >> yeah, exactly. >> happy thanksgiving by the way.
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the next story, if you are maybe shopping for a house or apartment, i don't know if you have $23 million sitting around. madonna's place is up for sale. there's a peek at it. central park west duplex, $23.5 million. 6,000 square feet. this is what i like looking inside the homes. >> yeah, we all do. >> here's the deal. it has eight bathrooms. needed eight. five wood burning fireplaces. its own library. of course need a kitchen, formal dining room. but for new york -- >> massive for this city. >> she paid a lot more for it. bought it for $32.5 million. she lost money on this. >> how will she eat? how will madonna make it through? the thing is, that place is two blocks from where we are right now. >> really? >> here on the upper west side of manhattan. >> could we go in after we are done and say we would look to see madonna's place. >> i'm quite shocked abc did not put you up there for your stint on the overnight. sure the red roof inn is just as
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lovely. >> it's nicer than the red roof. madonna, isn't the only madonna story. >> uh-oh, more. >> yeah, she is taking it off too, not for a sex tape. >> not for a sex tape. >> no, not for a sex tape. not a sex tape. she is getting nude. there is the picture. for her new cologne. truth or dare naked a fragrance ad. apparently she, yeah, has been air brushed. that's not what madonna looks look today. that's what everyone is talking about, go nude and topless, like you do at 50. this looks like she went on the "blond ambition tour." >> air brush, still provocateur at 50. divorce news this morning, may remember her mayim bialik from blossom, big bang theory, getting divorced from her husband. not the good holiday news. we wish her and the children luck. >> yeah. d the children luck. >> yeah.
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and we got onesies. sometimes miracles get messy. so we use tide free. no perfumes or dyes for her delicate skin. brad. not it. not it. just kidding. that's our tide. what's yours?
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erase the damage of 100 blow drys with daily moisture renewal from pantene, the most awarded hair care brand of the last 2 years. i took the dare...will you? pantene. most awarded hair care brand. ♪ and then you call me and it's not so bad it's not so bad ♪ ♪ i want to thank you happy thanksgiving, everyone.
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finally, this half hour, giving thanks in the disaster zone. spare a thought today for the people whose lives were devastated by super storm sandy. >> they're rebuilding with the help of some very dedicated volunteers. and our reporter from wabc here in new york met some volunteers in the hard-hit area of queens. >> i never seen anything like this in my life. >> reporter: jeremy roman was so stunned of news coverage of breezy point's devastation, he left his job as an electrician in chicago and drove through the night to help. >> i'm still in awe. i've been here for a couple weeks now and i'm still completely shocked what i see every day. >> reporter: jeremy is not alone. after the water receded here hundred of volunteers have flooded in to help homeowners get back on their feet. seth johnson hit the road from denver with $100,000 they raised to help. >> being thanksgiving, everybody is more thankful than they can be. we are too. because we can help out.
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>> chow's on. >> reporter: and the showing of appreciation. actor steve buschemi, a former fire fighter, joining the governor to give thanks in the midst of such heartache. >> there was also a beautiful story of generosity and love, literally, love. when you know you have that kind of support, and you have that kind of love behind you, there is nothing you can't do. >> i have turkey, stuffing, green beans, corn, and my favorite, cranberry sauce. i am really happy right now. >> reporter: for all the food and holiday cheer nothing can truly express the gratitude of homeowners. for lee, it is a struggle just to find the words. >> thank you wouldn't even be enough. they're just, they're amazing people. and i hope that i will be a better person for having met them all. >> reporter: and she actually is lucky compared to the owner of this house behind me. this actually is a very common sight here throughout breezy point. it is going to take a very long time before life gets back to normal. none of the volunteers we met today say they have any plans to go home.
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one of them telling me he won't head home until the job is done. >> puts a lot of things into perspective. as your relatives drive you crazy at the house worried about cooking the dinner have someone in the chokehold at the store for the flat screen. keep perspective with folks having a difficult tough holiday this year. puts life in perspective. >> have so much to be thankful. hug the family today. >> stuff that is important and not important. all right, everybody. we will be back with more from abc after this. >> announcer: this is abc's "world news now," informing insomniac for two decades.
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this morning on "world news now," an uneasy truce. >> a cease-fire is holding in the middle east after both sides agree to put their weapons down. but people who live there are holding their breath right now hoping it holds.
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it is thursday, november 22nd, thanksgiving day. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." good thanksgiving morning, everybody. hope it is a good one. hope everyone has traveled safely got to where you need to be, getting ready for the big meal in a few hours. yeah. exactly. i'm rob nelson. >> i'm brandi hitt in for paula faris. good morning. we are going to have the latest on the cease-fire agreement in just a moment. we go live to jerusalem for the very latest. but first, a look at some other stories we're going to follow for you on this holiday morning. on this day, to give thanks, some people are celebrating the simple things. we'll tell you about that. also, this half hour, u.n. ambassador susan rice under fire for her comments after the attack in benghazi. but now she is firing back. >> that is a growing controversy there in terms of what happened in benghazi. she is finally, little redemption for her, in terms of her controversial talking points. we'll have details on that.
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and if you're feeling brave this morning and planning on deep frying that big bird, we're going to revisit an abc tradition. everyone loves this piece. been running this for years, our own bill weir and his daughter give us a very valuable cooking lesson. as some one that lived in south for 14 years, no better way than a deep fried. have you ever had a deep fried turkey? >> i have. hopefully, it doesn't turn out like that one, though, ends up in your stomach and not on fire. >> bill is still rebuilding his house. if you haven't had a fried turkey wait and try it. but before all that, people living in israel and gaza are free from the threat of violence at least for now. after eight days of intense fighting the truce between israel and hamas as of right now is holding. >> that agreement came after hours of negotiations by the newly elected president of egypt and u.s. diplomats. the u.n. ambassador says now it it's time for the two sides to speak directly. >> this crisis was yet another reminder that the absence of
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peace always risks the presence of war. the united states remains firmly and fully committed to the only viable solution to the tragic israeli/palestinian conflict. two states for two peoples, reached through direct negotiations. >> there is a possibility. >> the israeli president says he agreed to the truce after being urged to do so by president obama. hamas leaders sounded anything but conciliatory. they trumpeted the truce as a victory saying israel is inevitably destined for defeat. residents living in gaza echoed that theme saying it has refused to raise the white flag to israel. we have good news to report with the cease-fire. we want to go to jerusalem. on the phone is abc's lama hasan. >> lama, thank you for joining us this morning. what can you tell us? >> good morning to you guys. well i think it is safe to say this is a region that remains on edge.
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to see if both sides will actually stick to the truce. and we are about 12 hours now into the cease-fire agreed to by israel and hamas last night. so far it does seem to be holding. having said that, though, shortly after the hostilities were agreed to end and the hour to end it on, israeli radio said some rockets have been fired from gaza into southern israel. five rockets were fired. there was no sign of an israeli retaliation attack. and since midnight, the israeli defense forces say, that no rockets were fired from gaza. so far, as i said, the truce seems to be holding. but the is israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu warned of severe action if the truce doesn't old, if the israeli citizens are unable to live in peace by the incoming rockets threatening them. so if that happens, then the violence might escalate again. brandi, rob, back to you. >> lama, what is next, here, when it comes to the next 24
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hours? >> well, apparently, brandi, there are many challenges ahead, it is not clear cut or cemented. essentially you can look at its a two stage process. if you like. first stage. both sides to stop the hostilities what they're doing. no fighting between the two side. then they can sit down to hammer out a longer lasting peace that deals with the terms that have been requested by both sides. such as israel easing the blockade on gaza. israel says within the next 24 to 48 hours, talks will start on the restrictions on the gaza strip. hamas has to stop firing rockets. and stop border attacks as well as rearming themselves. so this is the sgd second stage of the process which is more difficult to achieve for a long-lasting period of calm. as i said if there is some kind of violation, misunderstanding of the terms being put forward, israel says it has the right to defend itself and will do so. >> okay. we can only hope this goes, continues to go in a positive direction. lama hasan, reporting live from jerusalem. thank you so much, lama.
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and a look at some of the numbers here. pretty interesting here -- 1,506 targets in gaza were hit during the israeli operation. 933 rockets from gaza hit israel since the 14th of this month. in terms of death toll, over 140 palestinians were killed. many more injured. up to 1,000, latest number i heard. five israelis including one soldier have been killed. more than 200 injured here. only, eight days of fighting. what a heavy toll it did take in terms of infrastructure and human life as well. so, we'll keep an eye on that tenuous peace in the region for sure. moving on to other news this morning, u.n. ambassador susan rice also addressed criticism she has gotten over her comments regarding the attack in benghazi. rice came under fire for saying that a mob enraged over an anti-muslim video was actually behind the attack on the u.s. consulate on september 11. that information turned out to be wrong. rice says it was based on
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initial intelligence community assessments and was always subject to both reviews and updates. new details emerging about osama bin laden's top secret burial at sea. internal military e-mails describe how bin laden's body was wrapped up and washed according to traditional islamic procedures. the heavily blacked out e-mails obtained through freedom of information act and indicated that only a few military leaders actually knew the ceremony was taking place and no sailors watched it happen. >> remember the controversy at the time. pressure for the u.s. to release pictures as proof that bin laden was killed. they didn't want to enflame the islam world. interesting, a month later, year later getting details. >> a little bit. not a lot. a little. back here at home, most americans are getting ready to sit down with family and friend, feast on the big turkey with all the trimmings, maybe, not maybe, definitely enjoy football. >> got to have it on the television. a reminder. millions of others they're not so fortunate. they have no homes, no families.
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so to make the holiday a little brighter for them all across the country there are mission as cross the u.s. like this one in los angeles, that are serving up traditional thanksgiving meals. for those who are less fortunate. so great to see that they do that. it is also a truly happy holiday for hundreds of military families in washington state. reuniting just in time for the holiday. >> good to see this too -- 200 soldiers returned from afghanistan off to the base near tacoma yesterday. there were lots of hugs and kisses as their loved ones turned out to greet them. some of the most precious moments, of course, the dads seeing their newborns for the very first time. what a great holiday for those families. enjoy every moment of that. and, new york's penn station is up and running this morning. but that was not the case last night. at the height of the evening rush, on getaway day for the long holiday weekend, train traffic actually was shuttle down completely for more than an hour. a power failure in a switching system caused delays and 90 minutes or more on amtrak, along
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two of the nation's busiest commuter railroads. hope you are there safe by now. traveling by air wasn't fun either. chicago's o'hare airport was virtually invisible for hours yesterday morning. thanks to a thick layer of dense fog. hundreds of flights were canceled. hundreds more delayed. getting in and out of the nation's busiest hub. the slowdown had a ripple effect across the country. conditions did improve once the fog lifted later in the day. with that here is a look now at your turkey day weather. nice day for the parade here in new york. a major cold front will bring showers to the windy city. minneapolis, rain/snow mix by afternoon. snow is likely in the city of bismarck. >> it will be one of the warmest thanksgivings in dallas for half a century. wow, new orleans and miami. also in the mid 70s. billings and boise in the mid 40s. anchorage, you are bundling up in the teens this thanksgiving. okay, coming up, a very unique cooking lesson. and the deep fried turkey.
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you apparently know how to do this. no way to describe what you will see, stay tuned. but first, turkey, shopping and football. i will sit down with our resident pigskin expert to get the scoop on all of off to day's three big match ups. you are watching "world news now." ♪ >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by soda stream. ought to you by soda stream.
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well, forget turkey, what really matters on thanksgiving is the pigskin. and this year's lineup includes a classic rivalry. joining me now to talk about the turkey day football feast, sports radio host jason page. our friend on the overnights.
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thank you, jason for being here. we appreciate it. >> i love it. >> okay. you do the family thing. you do the turkey thing. blah, blah, blah. get to the real stuff. it's the football. three games on tap for this thanksgiving. got to get into good ones, potentially some good ones. >> i think two of the three are good. in this league, i was talking about this on my radio show. talked about it. the fact that right now there is no such thing as a bad win in the league. look at houston/jacksonville, last week, houston and detroit. houston, 9-1, almost lost to 1-9 jacksonville sunday. game to overtime. detroit loses to the packers. they were leading in the game late. there is really no easy win on the schedule. especially on the road. houston having to go on the road. it is going to present a challenge. fans in detroit will be rowdy. and let's face it, it's the last stand for detroit, at 4-6, they have to have a win or else their season is essentially done. >> and hopes were high for the team start of the season. now, 4-6. not kind of what they envisioned.
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we did see as you saw weaknesses with the texans too. never should have been that close with a team doing that bad. >> and they've been exposed a little here over the last few weeks. i know they've had big victories by large margins. look there is no lockdown one team in this league right now you can look at and say "this is our patriots." or "this is our packers." there is not that team, one team that stands out. though houston is 9-1. i don't put them in the category. >> some folks in atlanta may disagree. i'm a saints' fan. breaks my heart to say that. >> could easily be 6-4 as 9-1. look at the score. how they won some of the games. some of the teams they beat. not great teams. matt ryan threw five interceptions in a victory. that hasn't happened in 40 years. five interceptions. in a victory for atlanta. over the cardinals. >> so the texans thing, what's your gut, though? >> houston. >> skins/dallas, classic rivalry. should be good. >> it really should.
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it's rg3 getting on the big stage on thanksgiving. he completed all but one pass on sunday. four touchdown passes. him and andrew luck with the colts have both been, i mean, even beyond expectations. good as we thought they could be. they have been even better than that. rg3 is a lot of fun to watch. finally the hybrid quarterback. super athletic quarterback. seems to be the complete package. >> let me ask you this though. we saw how texans struggled. we saw dallas and romo struggle with the browns, last weekend, 2-a squad. no sure thing. >> no. dallas. i'll tell you what, dallas at 5-5 right now, a lot of people kind of laughed at them a few weeks back. lost off to the giants. the giants, nfc east, all but wrapped up. you look all of a sudden. here is dallas. one game behind the dallas, in the loss column. >> last game here, patriots, who look impressive against the colts last weekend. offensive display if there ever was one. taking on the jets, 4-6. >> it's amazing when you look at what the jets have done here at 4-6.
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when you consider that they lost santonio holmes you wouldn't think the jets had any chance this week. i think they do. not only do they have a chance they can win. a month or so ago they went into foxborou foxborough, lost to the patriots. pushed patriots to overtime. new england had a difficult time closing out teams. maybe that's why they ran the score up on indianapolis. trying to send a message to the rest of the league. i think the jets are going to show up at metlife stadium. thursday night. national tv audience. i think they find a way to win. >> even with the tebow controversy. the press reports. team not happy with him talking little trash. what's the genesis of all that. why the bad press, aimed at tebow i think? >> one of the least liked players around the league only because a lot of people think he is overrated. that comes with of a lot of tags. a lot of labels. and i feel bad for him because there's not a lot he can really do about it and he doesn't get a chance to play. >> ten seconds to show a little
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love for the saints. 5-5, 0-4 start. >> best 5-5 team in the nfl watch out for them. >> all i wanted to hear. good man, jason. thank you for being here. have a good thanksgiving. we appreciate it. and we will be back with more "world news now" right after this. and eat this turkey. stay with us. ♪ >> announcer: "world news now" continues after this from our >> announcer: "world news now" continues after this from our abc stations.
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♪ ♪ >> charlie brown even celebrating thanksgiving. >> classic there. speaking of classics. this has become pretty much a tradition here at abc. a cooking lesson thanks tonight to "nightline" anchor bill weir. >> his deep fried turkey lesson is coming up. keep an eye on the real star of the show, bill's little daughter. >> happy thanksgiving.
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this recipe is for all of those who want to keep the oven off this holiday. and go outside. and enjoy a, a nice brisk autumn. and it's also for those who enjoy a little danger, seasoning their stuffing and cranberries. the threat of a, i don't know, a massive deck fire, third degree burns. now, step number one. go to youtube. type in "turkey fryer disaster." >> drop and run. dude, drop and run. there you will see exactly why you want to remain sober and well away from your wood deck. the first mistake all of the people made was overfilling the kettle. putting too much oil in. they dropped the bird. it spilled over the top. start aid fire that will literally burn for weeks. start by putting your bird in the basket and in the kettle. fill it up with water. just enough water to cover the top of the bird. barely over the top. that way you know, exactly, how
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much oil to put in. so, the night before, you fry the bird you are going to want to inject it with marinade. buy the premade stuff. plenty of good brands out there or make your own using a half pound of butter, a bottle of beer, a little bit of worcestershire sauce, some salt, seasoned salt is good, too. you can use cajun spice. you can get creative with that. any way you will come up with a nice little marinade and need one of these sort of fantastic -- >> ooh! >> dentist doom syringes. right? pour a little of that in there. >> ah. >> like that. and then -- boo. >> what are you doing? >> this won't hurt a bit. open your mouth. >> no! >> then you stick it into the leg. inject a little bit into there.
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into the breast. >> while the oil is getting up to 350 degrees, a good time to remind all pets and kids they're not allowed anywhere near the frying apparatus. to be sure i tie my child to a tree. and about three minutes every pound. the 15-pound bird. you have 45 minutes to kill. ♪ ♪ >> how does that smell? does it smell done to you? as long as you don't burn your house down it is foolproof. independence? whenr who do you call? call hoveround now, to see if you qualify for america's premier power chair. hi, i'm tom kruse, inventor and founder of hoveround. now you can do more, see more, enjoy life more.
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welcome back, everybody. we have a special edition of "the mix," holiday related. thanksgiving related stories here. you have an interesting one to kick us off. >> it is all about the turkey.
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if you're not planning on eating a turkey this thanksgiving, maybe you can adopt one. yes, there is an actual group hoping that you will adopt a turkey, the adopt a turkey project. since 1986 they have been doing this is what is cute. the pictures they send. >> she looks downright in love with that bird. >> yes, love with the turkeys at the sanctuary. for $30, anyone can sponsor a turkey. adopt a turkey project. just trying to promote this as well. don't have to eat a turkey on thanksgiving. when i was a kid. we saved a turkey. lucky the turkey fell from the truck in front of the ranch. we adopted him. brought him on the ranch. [ gobbling ] >> in the studio. he found you. >> lucky. >> all these years later. >> adopt the turkey. don't eat the turkey. adopt one and eat one. >> my oven is going to adopt a turkey later.
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also, obviously, tomorrow is black friday. folks are going to storm the mall, best buys, sears, go nuts as they do every year. this is interesting, folks who are serial returners, those who return gifts a lot. more and more stores around the country adopting these policies. to return an item you have to show your photo i.d. victoria's secret, home depot, target does it. 62% of u.s. retailers have the policy. they're saying return fraud abuse is costing hundreds of thousand of jobs and up to $1.1 billion annually in sales tax revenues here because some people get like that grill in may and return it in september. >> how do you return a grill? >> just the point. you know what i mean, they're saying thieves will target high priced items and return them for store credit gift cards and then resell the cards or use gift card trading websites. fraud. they're cracking down. if you return an item they take your photo id and put you in a database. serial returners beware this season. i am going to return underwear after the show.
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>> underwear, who wants to return underwear. >> that's going to be target's problem. i can't worry about that. wash them, heavily. >> you have heard about, maybe you haven't, beer goggles. >> yeah, ooh. >> there is a new device that google created to try and help you lose weight this thanksgiving. and it is, they are goggles, glasses you put on. it makes, look at this, makes something appear larger than it is. that is an oreo cookie. this doesn't make sense. if it appears larger it will activate your brain. your stomach feels it all. >> makes it look bigger. high speed internet at home on our newly expanded advanced digital network, a connection you can count on. introducing at&t u-verse high speed internet with more speed options, reliability and wi-fi hot spots than ever. go to our website below to get u-verse high speed internet for just 14.95 a month for 12 months with a one-year price guarantee. it's all the speed you need all at a great price.
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our newly expanded advanced digital network gives you more of what you enjoy online. and with at&t, our wireless gateway turns your home into a private wi-fi hot spot that connects your wi-fi devices and can even save on your smart phone data usage at home. go to our website below to get at&t u-verse high speed internet for just 14.95 a month for 12 months with a one-year price guarantee. that includes access on-the-go to our entire national wi-fi hot spot network, with over 30,000 hot spots. at&t u-verse high speed internet. now on our newly expanded advanced digital network, a connection your whole house can count on. ♪
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this morning on "world news this morning on "world news now" -- a peaceful morning in the middle east. >> there is an uneasy calm today in the gaza strip after a cease-fire agreement puts an end to the bloodshed. but will it hold? it is thursday, november 22nd,
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thanksgiving day. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." oh, this morning on "world news now," a peaceful morning in the middle east. also news here. we have some new blood. west coast blood in fact here on the anchor desk. >> yes. >> welcome. >> thank you so much. i'm brandi hitt here for paula faris today. so excited to be here with you. >> it's good. started at abc news four months ago. with us during your first tour of duty on the overnights. >> and on thanksgiving day when they brought turkey and stuffing to the newsroom. fantastic. eat our meal at the same time. >> they spare no expense here on the overnights. welcome aboard. good to have you for sure. so, caffeinated, good, had a little bite to eat. ready to roll. >> a lot of news to talk about too. >> absolutely, every day, that's for sure. we'll get to the details of the cease-fire in a few moments.
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big news out of the middle east, peace for now. we'll have alive report from lama hasan coming up in jerusalem. first a look at other stories we will follow for you on this holiday morning. tens of millions jam the roads, planes, trains trying to make it in time for today's thanksgiving feast. their traveling, involved trouble, as some of the nation's major hubs ran into unexpected delays. used to that on the holidays. >> oh, definitely. also this morning, no planning, no problem. we are going to be talking turkey with an expert from butterball seen it and heard it all with the phone calls. if you haven't started thawing your bird just yet, you're going to want to watch this one. >> all-important tips. i can't boil water. >> have you cooked a turkey? >> never, unless a hungry man frozen meal. that's it. exactly. after the turkey is done. the dishes washed. you are awake from a nap. a movie might be in order. in a special thanksgiving edition of "insomniac theater," we'll preview hot new films hitting the big screens this weekend. stay tuned for all of that.
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first, after eight days of pretty fierce fighting, a truce has finally taken hold in the middle east. for the palestinians that means an end to israeli air strikes and assassinations of wanted militants. >> for israel it brings a halt to rocket fire and attempts at cross-border incursions from gaza. egypt, the new powerbroker in the region will be playing a critical role in keeping the peace. >> a big moment for the democracy for sure. and there was celebrating in the streets of gaza after all the fighting had stopped. hamas leaders trumpeted the truce as a victory for their side saying, israel is "inevitably destined for defeat." the truce was brokered by egypt's new islamist new government, after two days of intense shuttle diplomacy by secretary of state hillary clinton among others. >> the united states welcomes the agreement today for a cease-fire in gaza. for it to hold, the rocket attacks must end, a broader calm return. >> as for the israelis,
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president benjamin netanyahu said he agreed to the truce after speaking with president obama. so now we go to jerusalem and on the phone right now is abc's lama hasan. >> hi, lama, thanks for joining us this morning. >> reporter: good morning to you, guys. well, yes, as you rightly said, the cease-fire ending eight days of violence and bloodshed. it was announced yesterday by the egyptian foreign minister in cairo, at a joint press conference with secretary clinton we heard her there. he announced hostilities would stop at 9:00 p.m. local time. both sides, israel and hamas were still attacking each other to the last moment. israeli radio said some rockets were fired from gaza into southern israel, shortly after the cease-fire came, but no sign of israeli response or israeli retaliation. but since midnight, the idf, israeli defense forces say no rockets were fired from gaza. so far, the truce seems to be holding. we're over 11 hours into the cease-fire agreement, and it
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seems to be holding. but the israeli prime minister, benjamin netanyahu warned of more severe action if the truce doesn't hold, if israeli citizens are unable to live in peace from the incoming rockets from hamas threatening them. if that happens, the israeli government would take severe action. they are using the opportunity to achieve a long lasting cease-fire. one senior israeli official said the threat of a ground invasion will remain in that case. he says we can always send in the tanks. now, the cease-fire was largely welcomed by residents on both sides of the border as you can imagine. hundreds of gazans poured into the streets last night to celebrate on israeli side of the border. the news was welcome. as long as the truce hold they can live in peace and quiet what the israeli government has wanted for the long term. to achieve this kind of peace for their citizens. and a long-lasting peace as well. >> and, lama, as you mentioned, the cease-fire, obviously, the first few hours so far that we
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saw several rockets fired at the beginning. you know, is there,any from the ground that they expect this to go beyond the first 24 hours or from the ground are you hearing people are on edge or nervous this could all end? >> reporter: i think that's the hope. i think on both sides of the border, what they want is a long-lasting cease-fire. but we have to take note that this is a two-stage process, if you like. for the first stage, is for both sides to cease the hostilities. cease-fire in effect. no fighting between the two sides. then the second stage of the process comes into effect. which is probably, the most difficult part of this process. under the deal, israel agreed to end hostilities and targeted killings for example. all the palestinian factions will have to stop firing rockets into israel and carrying out border attacks as well. now israel must also begin talks about opening gaza border crossings and easing restrictions on the movement of people and goods.
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easing the siege that has been put in place on gaza for many years now. so that's the deal. that's what needs to be implemented for a long-lasting, period of calm, which is what the israeli government, not something agreed to and broken which is what we've seen in the past. but as we said, if there is a violation or misunderstanding then israel does have the right to defend itself and will do so. the israeli government made it clear it will go in, if it is broken. >> all right, lama. probably the most telling remarks of u.s. officials describing this cease-fire as tenuous. that certainly is telling all on that situation. lama hasan reporting live from jerusalem. thanks again, lama. in other news, ambassador susan rice is responding to her remarks on the gaza attack. rice came under heavy fire for saying that a mob enraged over an anti-islam video was behind the attack on a u.s. consulate back on 9/11. that information turned out to be wrong. rice says it was given in good faith.
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>> when discussing the attacks against our facilities in benghazi, i relied solely and squarely on the information provided to me by the intelligence community. i made clear that the information was preliminary. and that our investigations would give us the definitive answers. >> as for her harshest critic, rice looks forward to discussing the situation with senator john mccain. before the hamas/israel, flared up. susan rice, she said, initially, basically, her talking points she went on sunday shows with came from fbi and cia not the white house and state department. which kind of threw a little bit of water on some critics who were arguing that her initial response was somehow politically motivated to protect the president. >> and now she's saying she would love to discuss everything with john mccain personally. i fiend interesting. >> wouldn't you like to be a fly on the wall of that discussion.
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>> definitely. now, to the stunning resignation of congressman jesse jackson jr. he is giving of his seat after 17 years in the house. jackson won re-election though in the mayo clinic at the time being treated for bipolar disorder. now, in his resignation letter, he said his deteriorating health is diminishing his ability to serve. jackson reportedly facing a federal investigation as well into possible misuse of campaign funds. okay. if you are not already where you want to be to celebrate turkey day, now might be the time, the perfect time, to hit the road. >> little traffic at this hour for sure. the nation's highways are a lot less crowded this morning than they were yesterday with millions of americans piled into their cars and did a lot of sitting in traffic. the good news though, is that gas prices are down. 44 cents a gallon from where they were back in mid-september. take a look at this, though. dense fog, wow. early problem early this morning. yesterday morning i should say at chicago's o'hare airport. hundreds of flights canceled.
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hundreds more delayed getting in and out of the nation's busiest hub. conditions did improve when the fog lifted in the afternoon. and on top of the holiday getaway delays, new york's penn station was completely crippled after the height of the evening rush last night. a power failure in a switching system stopped all train traffic for more than an hour. and caused delays of 90 minutes or more on amtrak. along two of the nation's busiest commuter railroads. headaches as always. trying to get home on turkey day. well, new york city is all pumped up to mark thanksgiving day in a traditional way. the annual macy's parade. >> this is exciting. thousands of people gathered last night to get a first hand look at the great balloon inflation. ahead of today's massive parade. three new balloons joining this year, papa smurf, elf on the shelf, new version of hello kitty. there's a new version. >> 3 million folks are expected to line the parade route. 5,000 people, hardest hit by
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hurricane sandy, will be among those folks, folks certainly in need of some relief. how about that. coming up next after the break, get a pencil if you haven't thawed that turkey yet. we will show you how to get it together in time for the big dinner tonight. >> that's right. when is the last time you heard flight and fun in the same sentence? a new airliner is hoping to bring back the golden age of flying. you're watching "world news now." ♪ ♪ ♪ holiday road ♪ oh-oh-oh >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by united health care. are you looking for a plan that really meets your needs and your budget? as you probably know, medicare only covers about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you. so consider an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan,
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you know travel is such a big part of the holidays nowadays. >> millions taking to the skies. and a major plane maker is trying to make things easy on you. abc's jim avila has more. >> reporter: it's the airplane designed to bring back some of the fun in flight. boeing 787 dreamliner, the passenger jet with swooping wings and fuselage made primarily of plastic composite. >> it's absolutely a generational step. >> reporter: boeing has sold more than 800 around the world. but united is the first u.s. airliner to fly the dreamliner in service that began this month. the airlines are big these because they're cheaper to fly and more efficient. they will sell you on creature comforts like the air itself, there is more oxygen on the plane, it is cleaner and less
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dry. they have huge storage bins too. you can fit four suitcases in here. the plastic body is stronger than metal, so the air pressure inside can be kept at equivalent of 6,000 feet instead of the 8,000, 9,000 in most jets. that translates to higher humidity in the cabin, more comfort, less jet lag, and dry skin. >> the increase in humidity, the pressurization of the cabin. it's a very different experience than today's airplanes. >> reporter: the windows are a third bigger. there's a light show on board. different colors for takeoff, cruising, dinner time. >> we go into the warm colors like candlelight. >> reporter: pilots say the 787 carries next level of safety. >> situational awareness. the airplane produces in the cockpit is phenomenal. >> reporter: from the security camera that shows them who is outside the cockpit door to advanced radar that detects potential midair collisions, miles away. >> traffic. >> reporter: new gps can land the dream liner on its own in
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zero visibility. >> that gets you out on a foggy day. >> reporter: a plane so advanced, it's moving aviation to the next level, the era of the plastic jetliner. jim avila, abc news, seattle. >> i'm sold. just more leg room. not bad at all. we'll be back right after this. >> announcer: "world news now" continues after this from our abc stations.dkx ñ
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welcome back, everybody. it is crunch time for all of you planning on a big holiday dinner. if you haven't planned your meal, relax, the cavalry is here. we are joined by butterball turkey talkline expert nicole johnson for a little home cooking this morning. nicole, thank you so much for being here. >> absolutely. >> we do appreciate it. joking with you before we went on the air, i can't boil water. every year, we have these ideas how to break down the turkey cooking process. and you guys need to break down the turkey cooking process here. you are an expert and saved
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thousand of meals over your years with butterball. walk us through a little bit here for all the folks nervous, up early, cooking. we have three stages all mapped out here. >> absolutely. first, i would like us to go ahead and talk about how do i go ago thawing my turkey. for folks who perhaps haven't started the thawing process on thanksgiving day, we bet that phone call a lot believe it or not on thanksgiving day. we tell them not to worry. there is a, a faster way of thawing your turkey. and that is using the cold water bath method. >> okay. >> it's a half hour per pound. a ten pound turkey would take five hours using that method. >> what is the ideal way, best way to thaw the turkey. >> two ways, the cold water bath method we talked about. but we also recommend refrigeration method. it takes 24 hours for every four pounds of turkey to thaw in your fridge. >> okay. >> you actually have an additional four days after it is thawed in which to cook it. >> so -- >> good to know. >> just a little something to keep in mind for future reference.
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>> like most things with the cooking of the turkey, thawing depends again on the size of the bird you're dealing with, the poundage? >> absolutely. absolutely. >> cool. got you. >> after you have the turkey thaws, you would go ahead then, remove the wrapper. keep in mind you have giblets in there. you have a neck in there as well. a lot of folks will go ahead and cook that. chop it up, use it in stuffing. my mom chops it up and uses it in her gravy, believe it or not. >> so did my grandmother. >> she really? it's very good that way. but one of the advantages of the butterball turkey. a lot of prep work has been done for you. after you cut off the wrapper, remove your giblets. go ahead, drain the poultry juices over the kitchen sink. go ahead and choose your pan. now this is a nice pan. it's about two inches deep. so we recommend about two inches deep, open pan method. you see we have a flat rack, bottom of the pan. helps elevate the turkey off the pan but allow that hot circulating air and really prevent the turkey from sticking to the bottom of the pan.
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>> grease it at all? >> very good question. >> perfect segue. i have it right here. right here. all you need to do as far as the prep work. before you roast it. lightly brush the skin with vegetable oil, or spray it with a pam cooking spray. that is going to, help to prevent the turkey from drying out. and another golden tip that we have is after the turkey has been roasts for about two-thirds of the way, you may take a peek at it. notice the breast area is starting to brown faster than the rest of the turkey. at that point in time take your piece of reynolds foil. doesn't have to be too big. and you actually tent or shield the breast area, and that's actually going to help slow the cooking process down on the breast area and prevent the breast from overbrowning and overdrying out there. >> good way to not overcook the top. >> exactly. absolutely. >> the big question, how long do you cook it? determined by how big a bird you have. >> exactly. recommend 325 oven start to finish. depending again, like you said. depending on the weight of your
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turkey, that will determine how long you look it for. a lot of times people will call say how do i know it is done. best way to check for doneness, using your meat thermometer. register 170 in the breast. 180 in the thigh. for folks who choose to stuff their turkey, easiest way to check for doneness. insert the meat thermometer in the center of the stuffing, registers 165, good indication it is done. >> when it is done should look like this. >> beautiful turkey. >> golden turkey. >> golden brown, beautiful. >> thank you so much for being here. this was fantastic. hopefully answered a lot of nervous chefs' questions getting their family dinner together. we appreciate it. >> thank you. >> we will be back with more after this. stay with us. together. we appreciate it. >> thank you. >> we will be back with more after this. stay with us. i've been coloring liz's hair for years.
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but lately she's been coming in with less gray than usual. what's she up to? [ female announcer ] root touch-up by nice'n easy has the most shade choices, designed to match even salon color in just 10 minutes. with root touch-up, all they see is you. introducing a revolutionary new mascara. clump crusher...crusher. 200% more volume. zero clumps. new clump crusher from easy, breezy, beautiful covergirl. ♪ our whole universe was in a ♪ nearly 14 billion years ago ♪ began to cool to the pyramids
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history unravel in the mystery ♪ the big bang. bang! my second favorite sitcom next to "modern family." if you're not watching the "big bang theory," you're missing out. guess who sings it. barenaked ladies. just sayin'. >> nice. finally, this half hour, brandi, something special. special, "insomniac theater." what is hitting theaters. >> very nice. this holiday weekend we have a little bit for everyone out there. >> reporter: after the food and football, the friends and family -- >> we call it thanksgiving day. >> reporter: -- how about a little fun taking in a new film? the holiday weekend has plenty, to choose from, starting with the movies that hit theaters yesterday. director ang lee brings beloved book "life of pi" to life on the big screen. >> well, that's just one of the best movies of the year hands down. i think this has serious oscar potential for ang lee. >> telling the tale of a shipwrecked indian boy stranded
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on a boat with a bengal tiger. >> wow, this is a really good film. and i feel like that's an understatement. >> reporter: and a different kind of adventure. remake of 1984s "red dawn" starring chris hemsworth. >> they messed with the wrong family. >> the bad guy in the movie is north korea. the problem is when they shot it, it was china. they changed it because they didn't want to offend the chinese government because they do a lot of business in china. >> reporter: then there's the animated "rise of the guardians, starring everyone's favorites. >> santa claus, tooth fairy. and the easter kangaroo. >> reporter: alec baldwin and jude law lend their voices. and opening tomorrow, one master portraying another. anthony hopkins stars in "hitchcock" making of psycho,
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and helen mirren co-stars as hitchcock's wife, alma. >> i promised mother i wouldn't tell. >> oh. >> is there anything anthony hopkins cannot do? that looks great. that may be the one i check out. >> great casting. >> absolutely here. and we were talking about our favorite holiday movies earlier. my vote still is national lampoon's "christmas vacation." timelessly hysterical. you have a favorite holiday flick? >> when you are a kid and watch "home alone" what i watched growing up. every time i think of christmas i think of that. >> classic. good catch. good catch. that's the news for this half hour. follow us on face book at >> on twitter,@wnnfans. half hour. follow us on face book at >> on twitter,@wnnfans.
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[ female announcer ] now get high speed internet at home on our newly expanded advanced digital network, a connection you can count on. introducing at&t u-verse high speed internet with more speed options, reliability and wi-fi hot spots than ever. go to our website below to get u-verse high speed internet for just 14.95 a month for 12 months with a one-year price guarantee. it's all the speed you need all at a great price. our newly expanded advanced digital network gives you more of what you enjoy online. and with at&t, our wireless gateway turns your home into a private wi-fi hot spot that connects your wi-fi devices and can even save on your smart phone data usage at home. go to our website below to get at&t u-verse high speed internet for just 14.95 a month for 12 months with a one-year price guarantee. that includes access on-the-go to our entire national wi-fi hot spot network, with over 30,000 hot spots. at&t u-verse high speed internet.
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now on our newly expanded advanced digital network, a connection your whole house can count on. ♪ >> this morning on "world news now" -- a quiet morning in the middle east. >> after more than a week of bloodshed that left more than 100 people dead, the rockets have fallen silent and today there is a hopeful calm. it's thursday, november 22nd, thanksgiving day.
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>> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." good morning, happy thanksgiving. i'm brandi hitt. paula has today off. >> welcome, brandi. first time doing the overnights with us. you have got the plum assignment of all, the overnights. >> on thanksgiving. happy to be here today. i told you we have food, our own thanksgiving feast. this is like home. >> we try to treat the guests right. absolutely. welcome. good to have you here. good to see you face to face. as opposed to the little tv. welcome aboard. happy thanksgiving. >> happy thanksgiving. >> good morning. happy thanksgiving. i'm rob nelson. we'll get to more on that cease-fire in just a second. but first a look at some of the other stories we're going to follow for you on this holiday morning. it was anything but smooth sailing on the roads, trains and planes across the country. as tens of millions of people scrambled to get to their thanksgiving destinations. >> hopefully you got there safe.
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also this morning, if you are waiting for all the black friday deals, well, you may be waiting to long. yeah, it's being called gray thursday if you didn't know. the chaos is going to commerce, just moments after you are done eating the thanksgiving desserts. >> earlier and earlier. next year, it will be, you know, purple wednesday, then pink tuesday. >> too much. purple wednesday though. >> find a way to bump it up another day. enjoy your namely, food. there is plenty of time to go out. but at any rate. set aside the thoughts of shopping and food for a second. there are people in this nation truly grateful for the thing that is most important. we are going to visit with victims of hurricane sandy and hear how despite devastation they suffered, many consider themselves still to be very, very lucky. always a good day to remember those who are not as fortunate, and, as you stuff yourself and shop, folks, aren't in a position to do that. to enjoy that. let's keep those folks close to heart today. >> that's what this holiday is supposed to be out, right?
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first right now, the truce between israel and hamas appears to be holding for now. there have been no significant attacks in the hour since the agreement was first announced. >> but the basic hostility remains very much unresolved. abc's mark greenblat joins us now with the very latest. hi, mark. >> reporter: rob, brandi, good morning. just hours after the cease-fire went in effect, the israeli defense forces announced that they have already tracked at least five more rockets being fired into israel from gaza, in a sign of just how fragile the situation over there remains. in gaza, celebratory gunfire and cars honking their horns as a cease-fire takes effect between israel and hamas. >> the united states welcomes the agreement today for a cease-fire in gaza. >> reporter: hours before, a bomb tore through this bus in tel aviv. as secretary of state hillary clinton worked frantically with
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the egyptian foreign minister to broker a truce. both sides claim the tenuous halt to violence as a victory. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu thanked the leadership of the united states for its unwavering support leading up to the truce. president obama called netanyahu to say no nation should have to tolerate rocket attacks. supporting israel's right to defend itself. but hamas claimed a major win from the cease-fire saying from now on, if israel respond to attacks by bombing gaza, hamas will strike. >> the whole state of israel is a frontline. there is no front and back. >> reporter: case in point that bus bombing which left dozens injured and struck one of the busiest areas of the city across from the israeli national defense headquarters. >> there was at least a package or possibly a suicide bomber that planted a device. >> reporter: as the delicate cease-fire takes hold the temporary goal for both sides to prevent more injuries. and the white house said it
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hopes to use the cease-fire to help israel strengthen its internal security including addressing the smuggling of weapons into gaza by hamas. mark greenblat, abc news, new york. brandi, rob, back to you. >> thank you, mark. very telling here that u.s. officials are describing this peace as tenuous. a cease-fire here. interesting number here, 0. that is the number of past cease-fires that have held together since hamas took control of gaza back in 2007 so there is not a good track record here whatsoever. so everyone kind of happy for the moment. there is no telling how long this will last. maybe a few weeks. maybe a few months. a few years. nothing is definite. >> hillary clinton said this is a critical moment for the region. egypt's new government taking responsibility in its leadership role and president morsi just being elected. so, now that is critical in making sure all this works too. >> they were key broker in all this. they do have allegiance to hamas. think about relations with the u.s. and israel. so it's a balancing act to say
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the least. >> definitely. well, one of the most trying travel days of the year has come and gone, thank goodness for all of you hopefully at your destinations right now. getting from here to there, not easy when you look at these pictures. highways from coast to coast, just backed up for miles. chicago's o'hare airport, socked in by fog for most of the morning. that caused hundreds of cancellations and delays. as if things weren't tough enough already. train travel out of new york's penn station shut down more than an hour at the height of the evening rush. thanks to a switching power failure. >> makes us happy to be here at the desk on the overnights. we are safe here, no traffic in the studio. >> very happy with that. the weather also here is fantastic. a look at your holiday forecast. most of the nation will be enjoying pleasant weather. the rain is finally stopped in the pacific northwest. so seattle and portland will be drying out. chicago and dallas, though, you could see a few showers. >> temperatures along the east coast are well above normal, that is great news. atlanta will be near 60,
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minneapolis will start off today very warm. and then plunge to the 20s by tonight. honolulu, you lucky folks, you guys will be at about 80 degrees. not bad at all. >> eating turkey in flip-flops i'm sure. speaking of turkey, president obama making sure two lucky bird avoid the thanksgiving table. >> the president joined by sasha and malia as he pardoned the newly designated national turkey cobbler and gobbler. and amidst the levity, the president joked life is all about second chances. the first family spend the holiday at the white house. and of course, one that dinner is done and mandatory naps take place there is shopping to do. the great american tradition of black friday when folks run over each other to grab the discounted electronics. well there is a new tradition this year, yeah, believe it or not, they're calling this gray thursday. major retailers are trying to
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get the jump on one another by opening on thanksgiving night, a few hours from now. wal-mart, sears, toys "r" us the first stores to open at 8:00 tonight. target will open an hour later at 9:00 p.m. happy shopping, everybody. turning to other news. new york city police charged a door to door salesman with murders of three brooklyn shop keepers. they say 63-year-old peron was ready to kill again. victims were all middle eastern men shot in their stores over the past several months. police say the suspect's fingerprints were on the murder weapon and they have yet to determine his motive. more than two dozen homes damaged in the indianapolis explosion will have to be torn down over safety concerns. four other houses hit by the blast are still part of the active crime scene. investigators are focusing on appliances in their search for the source of the blast which they believe was caused by natural gas. after months of mental health issues and allegations of
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political misconduct, congressman jesse jackson jr. is officially calling it quits. jackson turned in his resignation letter, citing deteriorating health. he won re-election days ago while hospitalized for bipolar disorder, reportedly facing a federal investigation into possible misuse of his campaign fund. also this morning, the family of hector macho camacho is deciding whether the former boxing champ should be removed from life support. doctors initially said camacho was in critical, but stable condition expected to survive after he was shot tuesday night in the face in puerto rico. but the champ did take a sudden turn for the worse. doctors plan for tests this morning, but outlook is not good. and, in lighter news, an extremely talented young football star has become a major internet sensation. she is 9-year-old samantha gordon, or sam as she likes to be called. the only girl playing on her utah peewee football team. >> you may have heard her story this past season the fierce
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running back rushed for more than 2,000 yards and scored 35 touchdowns. and for her efforts, general mills put her face on a wheaties cereal box. in an interview with espn's hannah storm, sam explained what she likes best about playing football. >> being the girl out there and to be scoring on the boys and the boys to be like "dang it, i just got beat by a girl." it is like a once in a lifetime opportunity. and i am so thankful that i will be able to do this as a 9-year-old girl. >> she is awesome and fast. look at her go. despite all her success on the gridiron, samantha says soccer is her favorite sport and will play football for two more years and she will retire after that. we should mention you will not find her wheaties box in her grocery store, general mills says one of a kind made just for sam. wouldn't that be cool for girls if they happen to be in the grocery aisle with their moms, to see sam on there. you can do it.
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>> yeah, why not make it out, put it out there for the public? people would love that. she has skills too. burning on the field. impressive little girl power there. coming up right here, we all have so many reasons to be thankful on this thanksgiving day. but perhaps none are feeling that gratitude as much as people who have lost so much. we are going to visit with victims of hurricane sandy, and also hear the lessons that they have for all of us, you know when you think about black friday, this is what's important, you know? >> the folks had a rough few weeks. going to get to that in a second. first, how many calories do you think you will consume? >> i don't want to hear it. >> we will find out and learn if there's any way to fix it. you are watching "world news now." stay with us. ♪ 50 plates to feed my brother ♪ chicken pot pie guy >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by colonial penn life insurance. ♪
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♪ mashed potato ♪ mashed potato ♪ ♪ the numbers are not that bad. it's the pie at 919. that's the killer.
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and take out the pie, you are all right. >> you know you are getting a second helping of turkey, stuffing, that is not it. you're just going to have double that. >> it's a gluttonous holiday, everybody. eat up, everybody. welcome back. we have something new here on "world news now." we call it "ever wonder?" >> yeah, did you ever wonder about overeating on thanksgiving? no. i didn't wonder. >> no, never. >> you just do it. abc's dan lieberman and a culinary friend starts off. >> happy thanksgiving, everybody. >> happy thanksgiving. >> reporter: thanksgiving is the start of the holiday season. you know how much people love you? when families gather and give thanks for the year's blessings. and most of us indulge in one thing, overeating. so, ever wonder what we can do about it? this is "ever wonder?" let's go find out. what does thanksgiving mean to you? >> thanksgiving means family time, sitting around having good food. >> oh, my god. i eat, eat, eat. >> reporter: what do you love about thanksgiving? >> everything. >> reporter: everything? the food?
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>> yes, everything. >> reporter: take a look at how much more we eat on thanksgiving. the usda recommends a average of 2,000 calories a day. a typical thanksgiving meal adds up to 3,000 calories. throughout the day, the average american will consume 6,000 calories. >> family being together. overeating. >> reporter: that's alan reecenberger, head chef at fairway market who says it's all too easy to overeat on thanksgiving. >> everybody has sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, butter, everybody has the pies, sweets, what do you have with pie, ice cream. >> reporter: downstairs, there is nothing small about thanksgiving. these are big turkeys. >> these are big. >> yours is ten pounds, that's small. 25 pound. 30 pounders. >> reporter: at the checkout. thanksgiving is piled high and stuffed right in our faces. all of the stuff, more of everything. >> more, more, you have to. that's what people want. >> reporter: it is what people want.
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but are we prepared for the consequences? to get help, i headed to this gym with my turkey doggy bag in hand. >> turn up the intensity. burn the turkey off, the stuffing and the -- what else do we have here? >> reporter: the message? >> consistency. >> reporter: consistency. that's what gym members like madison are doing. >> cut everything in half. >> reporter: is this going to be it in your routine? >> fist-sized portions. >> consistency my friend. >> all about moderation. >> i can't stop eating? >> you shouldn't stop moving. >> reporter: how much do you think we can gain on thanksgiving and during the holiday season? >> you can gain anywhere between five and ten pounds, i think. >> reporter: why does thanksgiving mean eating this much? >> everybody at thanksgiving will mound everything on their plates and eat what is in front of them. if you go with smaller portions people will tend to eat less. >> reporter: dan lieberman, abc news, new york. >> all that piece did was make
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me hungry. we had food for the staff. you didn't have a plate? >> i did. i did. when you were done i go by. i don't eat breakfast. this is early for me. but it's smelling too good. i got myself a plate. >> mac and cheese. the meat. >> couldn't help it. you'll have more later on. another meal later on. you just keep eating, right? >> 'tis the season. the holiday spirit right there. i knew you would sneak back there. had a feeling. >> i did. i did. all right. "the skinny" is coming up next with a shocker involving a hollywood starlet. is there yet another sex tape about to surface. >> please, no. plus, also, a peek inside madonna's big apple abode. you're watching "world news now." we'll have it when you come back. >> announcer: "world news now" continues after this from our abc stations.
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♪ skinny so skinny ♪ skinny so skinny welcome back, everybody. i know it is a holiday and all, we should be more family friendly perhaps. but there is news of another sex tape out there. this morning. and pretty much like a rite of passage in hollywood these days. everybody has one like a talk show. apparently the one that is being talked about now features emma stone. if you don't know who she is, recognize that face maybe right there from "amazing spiderman" and "crazy stupid love." well, anyway,
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insider, you know how that goes, told radar online, back in the day the actress, 24 years old, had a wild streak and made this video well before she became famous. the good news here it is not being shopped around and remains in the hand of the person that she made it with. according to this source, or whatever. she is dating her leading man from "spiderman" andrew garfield. known as being very kind of private star. so she, thinking there is a sex tape out there would not fit with that image. good news, it is not out there like others have been. but according to this one source there is one but still in private hands which is good news. so you know, you get older you pay the price for the crazy stuff you did when you were younger. >> you know, going to do it. just destroy it. it is always there. >> that would be the smart move. the dude is like, you never know. high school yearbook you keep it around. >> look back at that some day. >> yeah, exactly. my, how we've grown. >> happy thanksgiving by the
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way. the next story, if you are maybe shopping for a house or apartment, i don't know if you have $23 million sitting around. madonna's place is up for sale. there's a peek at it. central park west duplex, $23.5 million. 6,000 square feet. this is what i like looking inside the homes. here is the deal. it has eight bathrooms. needed eight. five wood burning fireplaces. a library. of course need a kitchen, formal dining room. for new york, i mean -- >> that's massive for the this city. >> she paid a lot more for it. bought it for $32.5 million. she lost money on this. >> how will she eat? how will madonna make it through? the thing is, that place is two blocks from where we are right now. >> really? >> it's here on the upper west side of manhattan. >> could we go in after we are done and say we would look to see madonna's place. >> i'm quite shocked that abc did not put you up there for your stint on the overnight. i'm sure the red roof inn is just as lovely.
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>> it's nicer than the red roof. madonna, isn't the only madonna story. >> uh-oh, more. >> yeah, she is taking it off too, not for a sex tape. >> not for a next tape? >> not for a sex tape. she is getting nude. there is the picture. for her new cologne. truth or dare naked a fragrance ad. apparently she, yeah, has been air brushed. that's not what madonna looks look today. that's what everyone is talking about, go nude and topless, like you do at 50. this looks like when she was on the "blond ambition tour." >> air brush, still provocateur at 50. divorce news this morning, may remember her mayim bialik from blossom, big bang theory, getting divorced from her husband. not the good holiday news. we wish her and the children luck. >> yeah. d the children luck. >> yeah.
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and we got onesies. sometimes miracles get messy. so we use tide free. no perfumes or dyes for her delicate skin. brad. not it. not it. just kidding. that's our tide. what's yours?
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erase the damage of 100 blow drys with daily moisture renewal from pantene, the most awarded hair care brand of the last 2 years. i took the dare...will you? pantene. most awarded hair care brand. ♪ and then you call me and it's ♪ and then you call me and it's not so bad it's not so bad ♪ ♪ i want to thank you
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happy thanksgiving, everyone. finally, this half hour, giving thanks in a disaster zone. spare a thought today for the people whose lives were devastated by super storm sandy. >> they're rebuilding with the help of some very dedicated volunteers. and our reporter from wabc here in new york met some volunteers in the hard-hit area of queens. >> i never seen anything like this in my life. >> reporter: jeremy roman was so stunned of news coverage of breezy point's devastation, he left his job as an electrician in chicago and drove through the night to help. >> still in awe. been here a couple weeks now and still completely shocked. >> reporter: jeremy is not alone. after the water receded here hundreds of volunteers have flooded in to help homeowners get back on their feet. seth johnson hit the road from denver with $100,000 they raised to help. >> being thanksgiving, everybody is more thankful than they can be. we are too. we can help out. >> chow's on.
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>> reporter: and the showing of appreciation. >> governor cuomo. >> reporter: actor steve beauty chemmy, a former firefighter, joining the governor to give thanks in the midst of such heartache. >> there was also a beautiful story of generosity and love, literally, love. when you know you have that kind of support, and you have that kind of love behind you, there is nothing you can't do. >> i have turkey, stuffing, green beans, corn, and my favorite, cranberry sauce. i am really happy right now. >> reporter: for all the food and holiday cheer nothing can truly express the gratitude of homeowners. for lee, it is a struggle just to find the word. >> thank you wouldn't even be enough. they're just, they're amazing people. and i hope that i will be a better person for having met them all. >> reporter: and she actually is lucky compared to the owner of this house behind me. this actually is a very common sight here throughout breezy point. it is going to take a very long time before life gets back to normal. none of the volunteers we met today say they have any plans to go home.
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one of them telling me he won't head home until the job is done. >> puts a lot of things into perspective. as your relatives drive you crazy at the house worried about cooking the dinner have someone in the chokehold at the store for the flat screen. keep perspective with folks having a difficult tough holiday this year. puts life in perspective. >> have so much to be thankful. hug the family today. >> stuff that is important and not important. all right, everybody. we will be back with more from abc after this. >> announcer: this is abc's "world news now," informing insomniacs for two decades.
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[ female announcer ] now get high speed internet at home on our newly expanded advanced digital network, a connection you can count on. introducing at&t u-verse high speed internet with more speed options, reliability and wi-fi hot spots than ever. go to our website below to get u-verse high speed internet for just 14.95 a month for 12 months with a one-year price guarantee. it's all the speed you need all at a great price.
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our newly expanded advanced digital network gives you more of what you enjoy online. and with at&t, our wireless gateway turns your home into a private wi-fi hot spot that connects your wi-fi devices and can even save on your smart phone data usage at home. go to our website below to get at&t u-verse high speed internet for just 14.95 a month for 12 months with a one-year price guarantee. that includes access on-the-go to our entire national wi-fi hot spot network, with over 30,000 hot spots. at&t u-verse high speed internet. now on our newly expanded advanced digital network, a connection your whole house can count on. ♪ this morning, thankful for peace. >> celebration in the middle east, as a u.s.-negotiated cease-fire held up overnight. but there is a tense day ahead. we're live in jerusalem.


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